COURAGE INV(01145): Executive Director Hu Yingsha has been appointed as the CEO.
GMT Eight
COURAGE INV (01145) announced that, effective from March 10, 2025, Wang Yu resigned as an executive director due to needing to devote more time to handle his other business.
Effective from March 10, 2025, Liu Sai Man was appointed as an executive director and chairman of the board, and Zhu Gao Ming, Qiu Yi Yong, and Deng Bang Hao were appointed as independent non-executive directors.
Effective from March 10, 2025, Li Chunyang resigned as the company's CEO due to needing to devote more time to handle his other business; executive director Hu Yingxia was appointed as CEO.
Effective from March 10, 2025: Liu Sai Man was appointed as a member of the company's nomination committee; Zhu Gao Ming was appointed as a member of the audit committee, nomination committee, and remuneration committee; Qiu Yi Yong was appointed as a member of the audit committee, nomination committee, and remuneration committee; and Deng Bang Hao was appointed as a member of the audit committee, nomination committee, and remuneration committee.
Effective from March 10, 2025: Wang Yu resigned as the company secretary; and Chen Shu Zheng was appointed as the company secretary.
Effective from March 10, 2025: Wang Yu no longer serves as the authorized representative of the company to accept service of legal process and notices in Hong Kong pursuant to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong); Li Chunyang and Wang Yu no longer serve as authorized representatives of the company under Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules; and Hu Yingxia and Chen Shu Zheng were appointed as authorized representatives.