Morgan Stanley: Key points for visiting the Chinese humanoid Siasun Robot & Automation industry

GMT Eight
In this report, Morgan Stanley summarized the key points of meetings related to humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation during their trip to China. The focus of investors includes the progress of humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation applications, winners in the long-term supply chain, future cost reduction methods, differences between technical solutions, and current and future downstream applications. Key Points (1) Although there have been rapid advancements in large language models (LLM) and motion control, it will still take time for humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation to be applied, depending on improvements in algorithms and hardware. (2) The goal of most Chinese manufacturers is to produce hundreds to a thousand units of humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation by 2025; production is expected to increase at a faster pace in the near future. (3) Investors believe that due to high local labor costs in the US and advanced Siasun Robot&Automation solutions, the development of humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation in the US may be faster, benefiting the Tesla supply chain. (4) Based on feedback from Chinese hardware companies, we notice that they are confident in the production volume of humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation by 2025, but not as confident for the next two years. (5) In the humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation ecosystem in China, the most mentioned aspect is cost reduction, including improvements in technical tricks, domestic production of equipment, and scalability. Positive trends in the development of new humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation: Most of the companies we visited have already developed humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation products and sent samples to downstream integrators for product testing and validation (the technical path is still uncertain, but may converge in the next 2 to 3 years). Although Tesla's production plans (tracked by Adam Jonas) have not been finalized, leading domestic companies like AJoint Intelligence are expanding their order sizes to achieve their ambitious 2025 production goals. Leju expects sales to reach 500 to 1000 units by 2025, while Mozheng Siasun Robot&Automation aims to sell 400 units by 2025, expanding to 15,000 units by 2027. Key points of the trip Expanding applications rely on more general artificial intelligence: Current humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation mainly handle simple industrial applications such as material handling and patrolling. Leju, Keppler, and Mozheng Siasun Robot&Automation pointed out that further proliferation is hindered by low success rates and poor task versatility; the former reduces the economic benefits of using humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation, while the latter limits broader and more flexible applications. Fine operations like plug connections still require significant software breakthroughs. The technical path is still uncertain, but may converge in 2 to 3 years: In the early stages of humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation development, there are many different technical solutions, such as linear drives vs. rotary drives, planetary gears vs. harmonic gears, cable drives for dexterous hands, micro-harmonic drives vs. micro-rolling thread drives, and so on. Considering costs and specifications, different solutions may be used in different scenarios. However, as mass production lowers costs, these mechanisms may converge. China's domestic supply chain for humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation: Positive attempts to penetrate the Tesla supply chain: Although there is still a technological gap compared to global leading components, the technical requirements for humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation on industrial products such as CNC machine tools are relatively low. Almost all body parts of humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation can be manufactured in China. If not relying on foreign companies like Tesla and Nvidia, domestic humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation companies will widely use products from local companies. Currently, only the "brain" (chips) still relies on high-end artificial intelligence chips (mainly Nvidia chips). Although Tesla's hardware requirements are higher than all Chinese humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation integrators, leading Chinese humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation component manufacturers are making efforts to either directly cooperate with Tesla or through first-tier actuator assemblers Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls and Ningbo Tuopu Group (both tracked by Shelley Wang), striving to penetrate Tesla's supply chain. Among the companies we visited, Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic and Leader Harmonious Drive Systems are confident in becoming suppliers to Tesla. For precision industrial components, the technical challenge lies in mass production: Many companies are involved in each value chain segment, with the lowest technical barriers for motors in high-value components, and higher barriers for planetary roller screws, harmonic gears, and six-axis force/torque sensors. Although many component suppliers (screws and harmonic gears) claim to have developed products and sent them to humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation integrators (including Tesla) for testing, in the initial years, capacity building (equipment and experienced technical staff/workers), technological enhancement (precision addsThe secrets of work (consistency in products) are very challenging, which can affect efficiency, yield, and cost.Chinese companies (such as the humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation integrator and parts supplier) are committed to significantly reducing costs: Leju's current cost has been reduced from 700,000 RMB in 2024 to 400,000 RMB, with the goal of further reducing it to 200,000 RMB by the end of 2025; Kepler estimates each unit will be priced at $30,000 (approximately 208,000 RMB). As the scale grows, parts prices are also expected to decrease significantly. In the long run, the unit prices of planetary roller screws and six-axis force/torque sensors may drop to below 1,000 RMB; the price of harmonic reducers will drop from over 1,000 RMB per unit to a few hundred RMB. Scalability, automation levels, and yield improvements are key to cost reduction. Company feedback on product progress Screws - Linear Actuator or Rotational Actuator? Currently, linear actuators are not widely used in the humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation design in China. However, if motion control technology and screw production processes are improved, considering the advantages of linear actuators in terms of payload, accuracy, and space savings, we believe their application potential will be greater. Currently, Topu and Sanhua are seen as potential candidates for assembling actuators for Tesla. We also see more companies producing actuators, such as Hengli and Huichuan. Screw manufacturers are actively collaborating with actuator suppliers and integrators. For screw production, the threshold for small batch production is not high, but in large-scale production, cost and yield optimization will be crucial, and precision manufacturing companies have an advantage in this area. Key factors affecting screw quality include equipment, materials, and processing technology, with equipment potentially becoming a bottleneck. Hengli, Wuxi Best Precision Machinery, and Xingcheng Special Steel mainly use imported equipment to produce roller screws, but Leader Harmonious Drive Systems claims that its equipment developed in-house by its sister company (not at Leader Harmonious Drive Systems headquarters) has competitive and cost advantages, although we are skeptical about this. 1. Hengli has provided Tesla with 4-5 different configurations and priced roller screw prototypes. Hengli has also developed micro planetary roller screws with a minimum diameter of 0.5 mm for dexterous hands and has received orders from domestic original equipment manufacturers (OEM) customers. Hengli is confident in achieving a leading position in the global market for planetary roller screws/ball screws in terms of technology and cost. The driving factors are as follows: Mechanical aspect: Ensuring product quality through the import of core mechanical (machine tool) equipment, while reducing costs through in-house developed auxiliary machinery (such as testing machinery); management expects that with the increase in the rate of localization of high-precision machine tools, future costs will be further reduced. Technical expertise: Experienced in precision machining and hiring experienced planetary roller screw/ball screw talent globally from Japan and France. Material aspect: Has developed internal formulas for producing raw materials. 2. Leader Harmonious Drive Systems has developed roller screws and completed small batch validation in 2024, with management claiming that its performance is comparable to leading industry players such as Schaeffler. Leader Harmonious Drive Systems' collaboration with Tesla is still ongoing, and it is expected to soon send samples to domestic companies with a target of producing 500,000 units within three years. 3. Wuxi Best Precision Machinery estimates that raw materials account for only a small portion of total costs, approximately 20-30%. Although currently, depreciation of imported equipment is a key cost component, using domestically produced equipment can lower costs. Wuxi Best Precision Machinery believes that even with a halving of the selling price, the long-term profit margin may be higher than existing products. 4. Xingcheng Special Steel has supplied 4 models of screws to Shipin Technology. Xingcheng Special Steel expects that once the industry achieves large-scale production, future screw prices may drop to one-third of the current level, while domestic companies can still maintain a gross profit margin of approximately 30%. Reducers - Harmonic Reducers or Planetary Reducers? These two reducers have their own mechanical characteristics. Compared to planetary reducers, harmonic reducers have advantages in terms of payload and accuracy but are higher in price and have lower impact resistance. Tesla and UBTECH ROBOTICS use harmonic reducers, while some Chinese integrators (such as Yushu Technology and Aiqi Technology) use planetary reducers, and some Chinese integrators (such as Motu Intelligent) use a combination of harmonic reducers for the upper joint and planetary reducers for the lower joint. The manufacturing threshold for planetary reducers is lower, for example, Yushu Technology uses internally produced reducers. For harmonic reducers, although domestic companies can now produce and have a considerable market share, there is still a gap in terms of load-bearing capacity and service life compared to foreign companies - Harmonic Technology (tracked by Lisa Jiang). Leader Harmonious Drive Systems is actively collaborating with leading overseas companies (Tesla and Figure company) as well as domestic humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation companies (Aiqi Technology and UBTECH ROBOTICS), and has already sent samples, with the goal of doubling or tripling revenue for humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation reducers by 2025, and the revenue for humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation reducers reached 10 million RMB in 2024. Leader Harmonious Drive Systems expects that in the long run, prices will start fromCurrently, the price of each unit has dropped significantly from around 14,000 yuan to a few hundred yuan.Jiangsu Guomao Reducer provides planetary gearboxes for the large quadruped Siasun Robot&Automation from Deep Blue (each large quadruped Siasun Robot&Automation uses 12 gearboxes, with an average selling price of around 600 yuan), and will be used in future humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation models. Zhejiang Shuanghuan Driveline's new gearbox is still in the research and development stage, and samples have been sent to major customers, including an overseas humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation customer. In terms of specifications (such as weight, accuracy, and transmission efficiency), its performance is expected to be between RV gearboxes and harmonic gearboxes. However, Zhejiang Shuanghuan Driveline points out that it is still in the early stages of development and may not be able to replace harmonic gearboxes in humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation in the short term. Ningbo Zhongda Leader Intelligent Transmission believes that humanoid Siasun Robot&Automation components will eventually become standardized industrial products (such as standardized planetary gearboxes, with a unit price of 400 yuan), downstream customers have set aggressive cost targets for suppliers (for example, they expect the price of harmonic gearboxes to be 300 yuan, while the current price is 400-1000 yuan). Dexterity - Miniature planetary roller screw or tendon drive? Although Tesla has demonstrated tendon-driven dexterity, Hengli and Xingcheng Special Steel believe that for dexterity, miniature planetary roller screws are superior to tendon drives in terms of lightweight, space-saving, degree of freedom, and intelligence. Sensors Six-axis force sensors have high requirements for accuracy, sensitivity, and anti-interference, and the patching and calibration processes have not been fully automated and require manual operation, limiting the expansion of production scale. Keli believes that manufacturers with existing large-scale production capabilities may surpass existing small companies due to better supply chain management and automation efficiency. Keli's six-axis force sensors currently have a unit price of 4000-5000 yuan, and they expect costs to further decrease to below 1000 yuan per unit in the long term during mass production. Shenzhen Ampron Technology expects torque sensor prices to significantly decrease from the previous 2000-3000 yuan to around 1000 yuan currently, with further price reductions to three digits achievable through mass production. Motors Stepka's frameless torque motors can be used for linear actuators and rotary actuators, and the company collaborates with leading integrators, gearbox manufacturers, and actuator manufacturers in China. Stepka believes that although the threshold is low, only a few companies can mass-produce frameless torque motors. Vision Ober Zhongguang stated that there is great potential for localization. Intel's RealSense visual solution was once the only choice, but it is quickly being replaced by local solution providers.
