UBOX ONLINE (02429) intends to discount approximately 14.97% to issue 51.6355 million new H shares, raising approximately 1.49 billion Hong Kong dollars.
GMT Eight
UBOX ONLINE (02429) announced on March 7, 2025, that the company has entered into a placing agreement with the placing agent. The company agrees to appoint the placing agent, and the placing agent agrees to act as the company's agent to use their best efforts to procure not less than 6 placees (who will be institutional professional investors, and their ultimate beneficial owners will be independent third parties) to purchase 51,635,000 new H shares at a placing price of HK$3.01 per share.
The total number of new H shares to be placed under the placing arrangement is 51,635,000 shares, representing approximately 6.85% of the total issued H shares after the issuance and placing of the shares, and approximately 6.21% of the total issued shares (assuming full subscription of the placing shares and no change in the total number of issued shares from the date of this announcement to the completion of the placing arrangement). The placing price of HK$3.01 per share represents a discount of approximately 14.97% to the closing price of HK$3.54 per share of H shares on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on March 6, 2025 (the trading day immediately preceding the price determination date).
If all placing shares are fully subscribed by the placees, it is estimated that the net proceeds from the placing arrangement (after deduction of commissions and estimated expenses) will be approximately HK$149 million. The net proceeds from the placing arrangement will be mainly used for the purchase of fixed assets, working capital, and other general corporate purposes.