SFSY ENERGY (00750) completed the issuance of the first batch of corporate bonds.

GMT Eight
SFSY ENERGY (00750) announced that the company has successfully completed the issuance of the first batch of 2025 corporate bonds to professional investors after receiving no objection letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The first batch of bonds has a total issuance size of 100 million RMB, with a face value and issuance price of 100 RMB per unit. The bonds have a maturity period of five years with a coupon rate of 3.45%. At the end of the third year, the company will have the right to exercise the option to adjust the coupon rate, while bondholders will have the right to exercise the put option. The first batch of bonds falls within the scope of the total proposed issuance amount not exceeding 1.5 billion RMB (including the first batch of bonds). The remaining bond amount is 1.4 billion RMB, and plans to selectively issue in the second half of this year depending on market conditions.

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