Ministry of Commerce: Lantos Company and 15 other U.S. entities will be listed on the export control list.
GMT Eight
On March 4th, the Ministry of Commerce announced that 15 American entities have been placed on an export control list, prohibiting the export of dual-use items to them; any ongoing related export activities should be stopped immediately. In special circumstances where export is necessary, exporters should apply to the Ministry of Commerce. The announcement will be officially implemented from the date of publication.
The list includes Lidos Corporation, Gibbs & Cox Corporation, Monitor Research Corporation, SourceMap Corporation, Scadia Corporation, Rapid Flight Corporation, Red Hexagon Corporation, Shield Artificial Intelligence Corporation, Apocalypse Artificial Intelligence Corporation, Nile Technology Corporation, Group W Corporation, Alcon Corporation, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Corporation, General Dynamics Land Systems Corporation, and Aerospace Environment Corporation.
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce answered questions from reporters regarding the export control list.
Question: We noticed that the Ministry of Commerce issued a notice on March 4th, announcing that 15 American entities have been placed on an export control list. What was the consideration behind this decision?
In order to safeguard national security and interests, fulfill international obligations such as non-proliferation, and in accordance with relevant provisions of the Export Control Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Export Control of Dual-Use Items of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese side has decided to place 15 American entities that harm China's national security and interests on the export control list, prohibiting the export of dual-use items to them. Exporters must not violate the above regulations.
This article is excerpted from the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, edited by GMTEight: Xiao Yi Chen.