Yanker Shop Food (002847.SZ) senior executives collectively reduced their holdings of the company by 0.33%.
GMT Eight
Yanker Shop Food (002847.SZ) announced that it has recently received notifications from its director and Vice General Manager Mr. Lan Bo, director and Vice General Manager Mr. Yang Linyuanguang, Vice General Manager Mr. Huang Minsheng, and Vice General Manager Mr. Zhang Lei regarding the completion of their share reduction plans. Mr. Lan Bo reduced a total of 404,600 shares through centralized auction trading, with 86,500 shares remaining that will not be further reduced during this plan period. His share reduction plan has been completed. Mr. Yang Linyuanguang reduced a total of 204,800 shares through centralized auction trading, and his share reduction plan has been completed. Mr. Huang Minsheng reduced a total of 126,000 shares through centralized auction trading, and his share reduction plan has been completed. Mr. Zhang Lei reduced a total of 175,900 shares through centralized auction trading, and his share reduction plan has been completed. The total reduction of shares by the above personnel amounted to 0.33% of the company's total shares.