INNOCARE (688428.SH): Releases Phase II Clinical Data of Novel BTK Inhibitor Obutinib on Forum.

GMT Eight
INNOCARE (688428.SH) announced that at the 10th Annual Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ACTRIMS) Forum in 2025, they will present Phase II clinical data for a new BTK inhibitor, orelabrutinib, for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The data will be presented in a live poster session on February 27th, Eastern Time (poster code: P094). The research results demonstrate that orelabrutinib has shown high efficacy in treating RRMS patients. The daily dose of 80mg orelabrutinib once a day has shown the best therapeutic effects and safety, and will therefore be used as the dosage for the Phase III clinical trial of orelabrutinib in treating progressive multiple sclerosis (PMS).
