HKEX (00388) investment rating and target price (table)
GMT Eight
HKEX (00388) will announce its performance for the previous year on Thursday (27th). Based on a compilation of opinions from 11 brokerage firms, it is expected that HKEX's net profit for 2024 will reach between 12.899 billion HKD and 13.188 billion HKD, compared to 11.862 billion HKD in the same period of 2023, an increase of 8.7% to 11.2%. The median is 13.026 billion HKD, an increase of 9.8% year-on-year.
According to the opinions of 7 brokerage firms, it is expected that HKEX's earnings per share for last year will range from 9.05 HKD to 9.35 HKD, compared to 8.41 HKD in the same period of 2023, an increase of 7.6% to 11.2%. The median is 9.22 HKD, an increase of 9.6% year-on-year. Due to the continued high market activity, investors will focus on the latest operational information provided by the management of HKEX, including the growth of initial public offerings (IPOs), plans to enhance the southbound bond connect, the London Metal Exchange (LME)'s decision to use Hong Kong as a storage location to promote metal trading in the region, and progress in opening offices in Riyadh to deepen connections in the Middle East.
The table below lists the ratings and target prices (in HKD) given by the 11 brokerage firms: