HK Stock Market Move | WL DELICIOUS (09985) increased by nearly 4%. The company is expected to enter the Stock Connect. Institutions are optimistic about the valuation increase after entering the Connect.

GMT Eight
WL DELICIOUS (09985) rose nearly 4%, reaching 3.78% at the time of publication, at 9.07 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 1548.53 million Hong Kong dollars. On the news front, on February 21, the Hang Seng Index Company announced the latest quarterly review results, with WL DELICIOUS being included in the Hang Seng Composite Index component stocks, and the adjustment will take effect from March 10. According to CITIC SEC research report estimates, WL DELICIOUS may be included in the Hong Kong stock connect, as it meets a series of criteria including market value, liquidity, and listing time. Founder released a research report stating that with the upcoming re-entry of companies into the Hang Seng Index, liquidity is expected to strengthen. As a leader in spicy flavor, the company's valuation is expected to benefit from the re-entry. CICC's research report points out that with the increase in store product display by 2025, single-point selling strength and repurchase are expected to further increase, and it is expected that the sales of konjac refreshing products will maintain a fast growth rate. As for seaweed products, the cost of seaweed is expected to decrease year-on-year from 2024 to 2025, and the bank expects seaweed revenue to increase to nearly 4/6 billion in 2024/2025.
