Micro-electrophysiology (688351.SH) net profit in 2024 was 52.1864 million yuan, an increase of 817.4% year-on-year.

GMT Eight
MicroElectrophysiology (688351.SH) disclosed its annual performance report for the year 2024, with the company achieving operating income of 413 million yuan, an increase of 25.51% year-on-year; achieving a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 52.1864 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 817.40%. Basic earnings per share were 0.1109 yuan. During the reporting period, the sales proportion of high-value consumables such as TrueForce pressure monitoring radiofrequency ablation catheters, IceMagic cryoablation series products, and FireMagic microelectrode radiofrequency ablation catheters continued to increase. The TrueForce pressure catheter has shown rapid growth in domestic and international usage since its launch, with usage exceeding 5,000 cases, and commercialization achieved in over 20 countries overseas, accelerating the internationalization of domestic electrophysiological high-end medical devices.

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