The Swiss bank UBS maintains a "buy" rating on SHENZHOU INTL (02313) and cuts the target price to 95 Hong Kong dollars.
GMT Eight
UBS released a research report stating that it maintains a "buy" rating on SHENZHOU INTL (02313) with a target price lowered from HK$110 to HK$95. The bank mentioned that considering the time needed for the main customer Nike to regain growth momentum, it has revised down the company's sales forecasts for 2025 and 2026 by 2.3% and 6% respectively, and reduced profit forecasts for 2024 to 2026 by 3% to 10%.
UBS believes that Shenzhou may be more proactive in seeking market share from other customers and predicts that order growth for this year can be maintained at above 10%. It also anticipates a gradual recovery in the second half of 2025 and in 2026 for its customers, which could become a positive catalyst for the stock price.