SHUANG YUN HLDG (01706): The liquidator is continuing to work on handling the affairs of the liquidation process of the subsidiary. Trading remains suspended.

GMT Eight
SHUANG YUN HLDG(01706) announces that, to date, the liquidator is continuing efforts to handle the liquidation process of its subsidiary, including but not limited to asset realization, identification of liabilities, and investigation into the reasons for the company's closure. As of today, the company has not yet formulated a definite plan for resuming trading of its shares, therefore it has not begun preparing financial statements or taking any other steps, which are typically part of a resumption proposal. This has led to the bankruptcy of the group. The 18-month suspension period has now expired, and the company has not complied with the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to address the issues that led to its suspension, comply with the resumption guidance, and fully adhere to listing rules in order to be reinstated by February 22, 2025. In addition, trading remains suspended.
