Hunlicar Group (03638) obtained a discount of about 11.07% from Chairman Zhang Lieyun on a partial tender offer.
GMT Eight
HUNLICAR GROUP (03638) and the offeror Talent Germany International Limited jointly announced that the offeror intends to make a voluntary cash offer with pre-conditions, at a price of HK$4.50 per share, to purchase up to 19,439,034 shares (equivalent to 25.11% of the company's issued share capital as of the date of this joint announcement) from qualified shareholders of the company. The offer price represents a discount of approximately 11.07% to the closing price of HK$5.06 per share on the last trading day on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
It is reported that the offeror is mainly engaged in investment holding business. Mr. Zhang Lieyun is the sole shareholder and director of the offeror, and also the chairman of the company. The offeror and persons acting in concert with it will own 23,144,966 shares, representing approximately 29.89% of the existing issued share capital of the company as of the date of this joint announcement.