OURGAME(06899): Resumption time is highly uncertain, continue to suspend trading.

GMT Eight
OURGAME (06899) announces that according to Rule 6.01A(1) of the Listing Rules, the Stock Exchange may delist any security that has been continuously suspended for 18 months. For the company, this 18-month deadline will expire on September 27, 2025. If the company fails to rectify the issues that led to the suspension, achieve resumption guidance, fully comply with the Listing Rules to the satisfaction of the Stock Exchange, and resume trading of its shares before September 27, 2025, the Listing Division will recommend the Listing Committee to delist the company. According to Rules 6.01 and 6.10 of the Listing Rules, the Stock Exchange also has the discretion to shorten certain remedial periods. The company is actively working to address the issues that caused the suspension and comply with the resumption guidance before the above-mentioned deadline. However, due to the ongoing investigation, there is significant uncertainty regarding the resumption date. Additionally, the trading of the company's shares remains suspended.

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