Xiamen Changelight shareholders and Junzhengde plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 3%.

GMT Eight
Xiamen Changelight (300102.SZ) announcement, the company's shareholder Shenzhen Hejunzhengde Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Zhengde Yuansheng Industrial Innovation Structured Private Equity Fund, Shenzhen Hejunzhengde Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Zhengde Xinsheng No. 1 Investment Private Equity Fund (referred to as "Hejunzhengde") plans to sell no more than 26.65 million shares of the company through centralized bidding and block trading within 3 months after 15 trading days from the disclosure date of this announcement, which is not exceed 3% of the total share capital of the company (if there are any adjustments in the total number of shares due to events such as bonus shares, capital reserve fund to share capital, share repurchases, etc. during the implementation of the selling plan, the same will apply).

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