FUTURE DATA (08229) intends to appoint PwC Accountants as its new auditor.

GMT Eight
FUTURE DATA (08229) announced that due to the company's inability to reach an agreement with RSM Hong Kong on audit fees for the financial year ending December 31, 2024, RSM Hong Kong has resigned as the company's auditor, effective from January 20, 2025. Upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, it has been decided to propose the appointment of BDO Limited as the new auditor. A resolution will be presented to shareholders at the upcoming special general meeting for approval to appoint BDO as the new auditor, with a term lasting until the end of the company's next annual general meeting. The Board of Directors and Audit Committee have evaluated the qualifications of BDO and believe that BDO possesses the appropriate qualifications to be appointed as the auditor.

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