Harbin Electric Corporation Jiamusi Electric Machine (000922.SZ) plans to invest 381 million yuan to construct a new type of multi-functional high temperature and high pressure nuclear main pump full-flow testing platform project.

GMT Eight
Harbin Electric Corporation Jiamusi Electric Machine (000922.SZ) has announced plans to invest 3.81 billion RMB to build a new multi-functional high-temperature and high-pressure nuclear main pump full-flow test bench project in order to keep up with the development of the national nuclear power industry and enhance the testing capabilities of nuclear reactor coolant pumps and core main pumps. The construction of this project will quickly meet customer demand, increase market share, and continuously enhance the company's industry influence. After the project is put into operation, it will achieve a testing capacity of 10 sets of nuclear main pump units per year. Based on an estimated testing cost of 5 million RMB per unit, it is expected to save approximately 50 million RMB in testing costs each year.

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