LANCANG TEA(06911): Wang Juan is appointed as a non-executive director
GMT Eight
LANCANG TEA (06911) announced that Ms. Wang Juan has submitted a written resignation to the board of directors on January 5, 2025 due to personal health reasons. As a result, she has decided to resign from her positions as a member of the board of directors' Remuneration and Assessment Committee, a member of the board of directors' Strategic Committee, and the company's general manager, effective from January 5, 2025.
In light of Ms. Wang Juan's resignation from the position of general manager, the board of directors resolved on January 6, 2025 to appoint her as a non-executive director; and to elect Ms. Du Chunyi, the chairman and executive director of the company, as the interim acting general manager, effective from the date of the board's approval until the appointment of a new general manager.
The board of directors resolved on January 6, 2025 to elect Mr. Liu Jiajie, an executive director, as a member of the board of directors' Strategic Committee; and Dr. Yang Kequan, an independent non-executive director, as a member of the board of directors' Remuneration and Assessment Committee, effective from January 6, 2025.
Dr. Xie Xiaoyao has submitted a written resignation to the board of directors on January 4, 2025 due to other work arrangements. As a result, he has decided to resign from his positions as an independent non-executive director of the company, chairman of the board of directors' Remuneration and Assessment Committee, chairman of the board of directors' Nomination Committee, and a member of the board of directors' Audit Committee.