GAPACK(00468): Discussions and negotiations regarding a possible management buyout are still ongoing.

GMT Eight
GAPACK(00468) has announced that, as of the date of this announcement, (i) discussions and negotiations regarding a potential management buyout are ongoing, including but not limited to those disclosed in the announcement dated November 25, 2024, with a private equity fund in the People's Republic of China, Kunhao Capital, as a possible additional contracting party for the management buyout; (ii) terms regarding the offer price under the potential management buyout have not been finalized or implemented; and (iii) the management has not entered into a formal or legally binding agreement regarding the potential management buyout. The management has informed the board that a financial institution has agreed to provide overseas loans, with a credit limit sufficient to meet the maximum funds required for this acquisition, but final approval is still pending. In addition, the management is considering multiple financing arrangements, and their financing parties have indicated that if their funds are used for the potential management buyout, they are inclined to appoint their respective preferred professional advisors. Therefore, it is not feasible to immediately appoint a management financial advisor until the financing arrangements by the management are finalized.
