"New stock news | Chuan Tian Tu Investment is expected to start a roadshow for a Hong Kong IPO of HKD 780 million next week."

GMT Eight
According to reports, the Chinese investment company Tiangtu Investment plans to launch a Hong Kong IPO roadshow of approximately $100 million (HK$780 million) as early as next week. Huatai International, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of China International are acting as sponsors. It is reported that Tiangtu Investment submitted a new prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in March after its previous prospectus became invalid following its submission on June 30, 2022. Information shows that Tiangtu Investment is a leading private equity investor and fund manager dedicated to promoting the development of Chinese consumer brands and companies. The investment projects include three major directions of consumer upgrade: innovative consumption, new retail, and consumer finance. According to data from Zero2IPO Consulting, from 2020 to 2022, Tiangtu Investment ranked third in terms of the number of investment projects in the Chinese consumer industry among all private equity investors, only after Tencent Investment and Sequoia China. As of the end of 2022, Tiangtu Investment has accumulated investments in a total of 222 portfolio companies, including 180 companies in various consumer fields such as catering, clothing, and healthcare, and 42 companies in other industries such as biotechnology and technology. In terms of quantity, according to the disclosed prospectus, 11 of the companies invested by Tiangtu Investment have successfully listed, including companies such as ZHOU HEI YA, CHINA FEIHE, and Wanwu Xinsheng.

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