HUANENG POWER (00902): Huaneng Power International, Inc. completes the issuance of 300 million yuan of ultra-short-term bonds for Jiangsu Energy Development.

GMT Eight
HUANENG POWER (00902) has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Huaneng Power International, Inc. Power Jiangsu Energy Development Co., Ltd., has recently completed the issuance of the 2023 third tranche of super short-term financing bonds (innovative bonds). The total issuance size of the bonds is 300 million RMB, with a maturity period of 45 days and a unit face value of 100 RMB. The issuance interest rate is 2.0%. Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. acted as the lead underwriter for this tranche of bonds and organized a syndicate. The bonds were publicly issued on the national interbank bond market through centralized bookkeeping and centralized allocation. The raised funds of 300 million RMB will be used to repay the interest-bearing debts of Huaneng Power International, Inc. Power Jiangsu Energy Development Co., Ltd.
