China Aluminum International Engineering Corporation (02068): Tianjin Construction has received a civil judgment.

GMT Eight
China Aluminum International Engineering Corporation (02068) announced that recently, Tianjin Construction received a "Civil Judgment" (2022) Jin 0116 Min Chu 19012) issued by the People's Court of Binhai New Area, Tianjin. The judgment is as follows: (1) Tianjin Construction is ordered to pay China Aluminum Culture a compensation of RMB 9.6094 million within ten days from the effective date of the judgment for the loss incurred by the actual buyers of the purchased real estate due to the late delivery penalty. (2) Tianjin Construction is ordered to pay a loss of RMB 0.7236 million to China Aluminum Culture for the administrative fine within ten days from the effective date of the judgment. (3) The other litigation requests of China Aluminum Culture are dismissed. If the monetary obligation specified in the judgment is not fulfilled within the designated period, it shall be subject to double payment of interest on the debt during the period of delayed performance in accordance with Article 260 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. The case acceptance fee is RMB 0.2971 million (already paid by China Aluminum Culture), with China Aluminum Culture bearing RMB 0.237 million and Tianjin Construction bearing RMB 60,124.
