JiangSu Aisen Semiconductor Material (688720.SH) plans to spend 40 million to 60 million yuan to repurchase shares and obtain special loans of up to 50 million yuan.

GMT Eight
JiangSu Aisen Semiconductor Material (688720.SH) disclosed a share repurchase plan, the company plans to repurchase some of the company's issued Renminbi ordinary shares (A shares) through centralized bidding trading, with the repurchase amount not less than RMB 40 million (inclusive) and not more than RMB 60 million (inclusive). The repurchased shares will be used for employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives, and the repurchase price will not exceed RMB 70.58 per share (inclusive). On November 11, 2024, Agricultural Bank Of China Co., Ltd. Kunshan Branch issued a "Loan Commitment Letter" to the company, agreeing to provide special loan support for the company's repurchase of A shares, with a maximum special loan amount not exceeding RMB 50 million. The commitment letter is valid for one year from the date of issue. The company will sign a stock repurchase loan contract with the listed company.

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