POWER ASSETS (00006) subscribed to CK William's shares.

GMT Eight
POWER ASSETS (00006) announced that on September 25, 2024, its subsidiary companies, Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) Holdings and China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd. entered into subscription agreements with CK William for the first round of share subscriptions. They subscribed to 1542, 3084, and 3084 ordinary shares of CK William, with a total subscription price of 15.42 million, 30.84 million, and 30.84 million respectively. The share subscriptions were based on the proportion of CK William's equity held by the group, China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd., and CKI Holdings, and were made under substantially similar terms. On the same day, the aforementioned companies entered into subscription agreements with CK William for the second round of share subscriptions. They agreed to further subscribe to a maximum of 570, 1140, and 1140 ordinary shares of CK William, with a total subscription price of up to 5.70 million, 11.40 million, and 11.40 million respectively. The share subscriptions were also based on the proportion of CK William's equity held by the group, China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd., and CKI Holdings, and were made under substantially similar terms. The final number of shares to be subscribed and the subscription price will be determined by CK William and notified to the aforementioned companies before the completion date of the second round of share subscriptions. CK William is an investment holding company that owns and operates businesses in the energy sector, including electricity and gas distribution, as well as sustainable distributed energy generation.

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