Silicon Industry Association: It is expected that the price of polysilicon will remain stableEnterprises raising prices face resistance in transactions.

GMT Eight
The silicon industry branch issued a document stating that the price of polysilicon remained stable this week. The transaction price range of N-type rod silicon remained at 39,000-44,000 yuan/ton, with an average transaction price of 41,700 yuan/ton; the transaction price range of monocrystalline dense material remained at 33,000-36,000 yuan/ton, with an average transaction price of 34,500 yuan/ton; the transaction price range of N-type granular silicon remained at 36,500-37,500 yuan/ton, with an average transaction price of 37,300 yuan/ton. The price of polysilicon has remained stable recently, and it is expected that the future price growth point lies in the replacement of production capacity during the dry season and the listing of polysilicon futures. This week is close to the end of the signing period for polysilicon companies, with 6 companies transacting N-type silicon materials, and the transaction volume is generally small. This week, some top companies saw a slight increase in prices for some small orders, but due to their small volume, they were not included in the price statistics. The prices for the rest of the companies remained basically stable. According to the perception of companies, the recent transaction situation is not very optimistic, and signing orders has been somewhat weak. The stable price of silicon materials this week is mainly due to the following factors: on the one hand, the current signing cycle is nearing the end, with limited new signing capacity, insufficient price negotiation space, hence the basic maintenance of market prices remains unchanged. On the other hand, the supply of silicon materials this month is more sufficient than expected, with an estimated growth rate of about 4%. At the same time, the operating rate of downstream silicon wafer manufacturers has decreased, leading to a decrease in demand for polysilicon by about 13%. The drawbacks of temporary mismatch between supply and demand are gradually becoming apparent, and companies face resistance in raising prices. As of now, there are 14 companies that are in maintenance or load reduction status, and one company's production capacity recovery speed in this month is lower than expected, with product output expected to resume next month. According to the latest customs data, China's polysilicon imports in August 2024 were 4532.0 tons, an increase of 55.13% compared to the previous month. The increase in imports was mainly due to overseas manufacturers stocking up domestically. The export volume of polysilicon in August was 4042.7 tons, a decrease of 30.21% compared to the previous month. The main reason for the decrease in export volume was a significant decrease in exports to ASEAN countries, speculated to be due to geopolitical influences and tightness in shipping capacity.
