Survey: 94% of respondents from Hong Kong have traveled north this year with cost-effectiveness being an important factor to consider.

GMT Eight
Hong Kong people continue to travel northward for consumption. The latest data from travel service website shows that over 90% of Hong Kong people surveyed have visited the Greater Bay Area within the year, with a considerable number of them having visited more than 10 times. Cost-effectiveness is an important factor for Hong Kong people when traveling northward, and different types of travelers exhibit different travel habits. According to's latest survey data, in 2024, a staggering 94% of respondents stated that they have traveled to the Greater Bay Area. Over half of them have visited the area at least 6 times within the year, with 35% of respondents visiting more than 10 times. The majority of frequent visitors to the Greater Bay Area are travelers aged 45 and above. The data shows that during the recent summer vacation (July to August), the number of travelers to the Greater Bay Area has increased by about 30% compared to the same period last year, highlighting Hong Kong people's demand for travel to the area. Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Guangzhou are the most popular destinations among Hong Kong travelers. In terms of travel arrangements, the survey found that the proportion of travelers preferring day trips and overnight stays is roughly similar. For overnight travelers, most of them stay in the Greater Bay Area for one to two nights, reflecting that the area can meet short-term leisure needs. In terms of accommodation choices, most travelers prefer hotels in the price range of 200 to 600 Hong Kong dollars, indicating that cost-effectiveness is an important factor for many travelers. The survey also analyzed the behavior patterns of different types of travelers. Overnight travelers are mostly families who usually visit the Greater Bay Area before long weekends or public holidays, with an average of 2 to 5 visits per year. They tend to plan their trips in advance, booking hotels and tickets, with main activities focusing on sightseeing, family experiences, and sports experiences. On the other hand, day-trip travelers are mostly friends traveling together, who are frequent visitors to the Greater Bay Area with more than 10 visits per year. They prefer spontaneous trips, focusing on visiting exhibitions and shopping.
