Shi Meilun: The interconnection and interworking has been very successful in the past 10 years, and there is more room for further development in the future.

GMT Eight
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the mutual access between the mainland Chinese and Hong Kong stock markets. Stella Yiu, a senior advisor to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Board who has been involved in the development of financial markets in both regions, stated during an interview that there are still many products to be explored and much potential to be realized on the basis of mutual access. She mentioned that she used to work for the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and played a role in planning the establishment of the framework and necessary terms for H-share listings in Hong Kong. The first H-share from mainland China was listed in Hong Kong in 1993. Yiu believes that the listing of H-shares in Hong Kong connects the two markets and helps mainland Chinese companies raise capital. The mutual access program launched in 2014 was a breakthrough built upon this foundation, and has been very successful over the past 10 years. It allows investors from both regions to invest in each other's markets, creating a win-win situation. Hong Kong has always been a testing ground and firewall for promoting financial openness in the country. Yiu stated that Hong Kong's role and positioning in the future will remain unchanged, and Hong Kong's internationalization must continue to improve. The more internationalized Hong Kong becomes, the greater its value to the country.
