Macao Tourism Office: If the weather is good during the National Day holiday, the average daily number of tourists may exceed 100,000.

GMT Eight
In August, the number of visitors to Macau exceeded 3.65 million, reaching a new high for a single month, an increase of nearly 10% compared to the same period in 2019. The Director of the Macau Government Tourism Office, Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, stated that the number of visitors in August exceeded expectations, and she believes it is related to factors such as good weather. If the weather continues to be good, it is expected that during the National Day Golden Week in October, the daily average number of visitors to Macau will be more than the previously predicted 100,000. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes mentioned that as of last week, the overall hotel booking rate in Macau for the National Day holiday is about 70%, with five-star hotels basically fully booked, and other star-rated hotels are expected to receive orders gradually this week. The hotel occupancy rate in Macau from January to July was about 85%, slightly lower than the same period in 2019, but currently there are more hotel rooms available in Macau compared to previous years. As for August, the number of visitors from Indonesia and Thailand decreased by 10% and 23% respectively compared to the same period. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes stated that the Macau government is working with relevant departments in Guangdong and Hong Kong to promote in Indonesia, and will continue to attract more international visitors to Macau.
