Smartgiant Technology (688115.SH) plans to launch an employee stock ownership plan in 2024 with an expected size of no more than 1.65 million shares.

GMT Eight
Smartgiant Technology (688115.SH) disclosed the 2024 employee stock ownership plan (draft). The participants of this stock ownership plan include company directors (excluding independent directors), senior management personnel, as well as middle management personnel and core technical (business) employees who play a significant role in the overall performance and medium to long-term development of the company and its holding subsidiaries. The total number of participants in this employee stock ownership plan shall not exceed 45 people at the time of initial establishment. The stock source of this employee stock ownership plan is the company's repurchased A-shares held in a repurchase special securities account. After the employee stock ownership plan is approved by the company's shareholders' meeting, the company shall transfer the company's shares held in the repurchase special securities account to the participants through legal methods permitted by laws and regulations. The total number of shares transferred to the employee stock ownership plan shall not exceed 1.65 million shares, and the purchase price for the repurchased shares shall be 10.88 yuan per share. Furthermore, the duration of this employee stock ownership plan is 48 months, starting from the date when the draft plan is approved by the company's shareholders' meeting and the last listed stock is transferred to the employee stock ownership plan. The lock-up period for this employee stock ownership plan is 12 months, starting from the date when the last listed stock is transferred to the ownership of this plan after being announced by the company.
