Chairman and General Manager Ji Xiaowen of Kairuide Holding (002072.SZ) has been placed under investigation and detained on suspicion of bribery.

GMT Eight
Kairuide Holding (002072.SZ) announced that the company recently received a "Detention Notice" and a "Case Filing Notice" issued by the Duodao District Supervisory Committee of Jingmen City. The Chairman and General Manager of the company, Ji Xiaowen, is under investigation and has been detained on suspicion of bribery. Currently, the company's board of directors and supervisory board are operating normally, and there has been no change in the company's ownership. Other senior management members are performing their duties as usual, and the company and its subsidiaries are operating normally. The company is also progressing with the planning of a major asset restructuring. Following a decision made by the company's General Manager's Office, Deputy General Manager and Board Secretary Zhu Xiaoyan will temporarily oversee the company's daily operations. This matter is not expected to have a significant impact on the company's daily operations.
