The United States Department of Justice is reportedly going to sue Visa for monopolizing the debit card market.

GMT Eight
According to sources, the US Department of Justice plans to file a lawsuit against Visa, the world's largest payment network operator, accusing the company of illegally monopolizing the debit card market in the country. Sources say the antitrust department will file a lawsuit against Visa in federal court as early as the 24th, accusing it of various anti-competitive actions. In 2023, the US Department of Justice's antitrust division sent a request for information to Visa, asking for documents and information regarding its debit card business in the US and its competition with other payment networks. The investigation started in 2021, and at that time Visa stated that it believed its debit practices complied with applicable laws. Pulse Network, a subsidiary of Discover Financial Services, has already settled a lawsuit related to Visa this year, which alleged that Visa hindered competition in the billion-dollar debit card network service market, leading to higher costs for merchants.
