Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding (02607) subsidiary Xinyi Golden has become the licensee holder for oral solution of Ammonium Sulfate, a listed pharmaceutical product.

GMT Eight
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding (02607) announced that its holding subsidiary Shanghai Xinyi Jinzhu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xinyi Jinzhu") recently received the "Drug Supplementary Application Approval Notice" (Notice No.: 2024B02634) issued by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), with the market authorization holder of the oral solution of Amisulpride being changed to Shanghai Xinyi Jinzhu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The oral solution of Amisulpride is mainly used for the treatment of schizophrenia, developed by Sanofi-Synthlabo (now Sanofi) and launched in France in 1986. In May 2024, Xinyi Jinzhu submitted an application for a change in market authorization holder for this drug to the NMPA and it was accepted. As of the date of this announcement, the company has invested approximately RMB 9.3 million in this drug. As of the date of this announcement, the holders of this drug in China include Guangdong Jincheng Jinsu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Daguang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. According to IQVIA database, the hospital procurement amount for the oral solid preparation of Amisulpride in 2023 was RMB 223 million, and there is no data available for the oral solution formulation. Xinyi Jinzhu has become the market authorization holder for the oral solution of Amisulpride, further enriching the company's product line and enhancing its market competitiveness.
