The National Energy Administration issued the "Basic Rules for Electricity Market Registration" and answered questions from journalists.

GMT Eight
; (); () ()(); (); (); () (); (); () (); (); (); ()"negotiation, connect to the electric power scheduling automation system."(); ()() Article 9 Sale companies shall abide by the "Management Measures for Sale Companies" (NDRC Reform Plan [2021] No. 1595) (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures for Sale Companies"). If there are new regulations, follow their provisions. Article 10 Basic requirements for electricity users: (1) Commercial users should generally participate directly in electricity market transactions. Commercial users who are not yet directly involved in market transactions should purchase electricity through the power grid enterprises as required; (2) Have appropriate measurement capabilities or alternative technical means to meet the requirements of electricity market measurement and settlement. Article 11 Basic conditions for new energy storage companies: (1) Sign a grid scheduling agreement with the power grid enterprise and connect to the power dispatch automation system; (2) Have the ability for data metering and transmission of electricity and energy and ensure data accuracy and reliability to meet settlement requirements; (3) Meet the technical requirements for maximum charge and discharge power, maximum regulation capacity, and continuous charge and discharge time, specific values are subject to relevant standards or regulations of national, regional authorities; (4) Integrated with the affiliated operating entity, have independent measurement, control, and other technical conditions, be monitored and dispatched by the power grid through the power dispatch automation system, and may choose to become an independent new energy storage project when granted legal personality, directly participate in electricity market transactions as an operating entity. Article 12 Basic conditions for virtual power plants (including load aggregators): (1) Sign a load confirmation agreement or grid scheduling agreement with the power grid enterprise, connect to the new power load management system or power dispatch automation system; (2) Have the ability for data metering and transmission of electricity and energy, ensure data accuracy and reliability to meet settlement requirements; (3) Have the ability to aggregate adjustable loads and resources such as distributed power sources, new energy storage, etc.; (4) Have the ability to adjust or control aggregated resources, have hardware and software systems with functions such as information processing, operational monitoring, business management, metering supervision, and control execution; (5) The aggregation range, regulatory performance, and other conditions should meet the rules of the relevant markets. Article 13 Basic conditions for distributed power generation entities: (1) Obtain approval or filing documents for power generation projects according to law; (2) Sign a load confirmation agreement or grid scheduling agreement with the power grid enterprise, connect to the new power load management system or power dispatch automation system according to voltage level standards; (3) Have appropriate measurement capabilities or alternative technical means to meet the requirements of electricity market measurement and settlement. Article 14 Basic conditions for electric vehicle charging facility operators: (1) Have appropriate measurement capabilities or alternative technical means to meet the requirements of electricity market measurement and settlement; (2) Electric vehicle charging facilities with discharging capabilities should sign a load confirmation agreement with the power grid enterprise and connect to the new power load management system. Article 15 Basic conditions for smart microgrid operators will initially follow the basic conditions for electricity users, with adjustments made later in accordance with relevant national regulations. Article 16 When national policies or changes in trading rules lead to changes in the types of operating entities or the basic conditions for entry into the electricity market, the National Energy Administration will adjust according to the national unified standard. Chapter 3 Market Registration Article 17 Operating entities participating in electricity market transactions should meet basic conditions and register with the electricity trading institutions. Article 18 The market registration of operating entities is carried out in accordance with the process of application, commitment, review, public announcement, and effectiveness. Operating entities should submit identity verification, contact information, and other supporting materials, and sign market entry agreements, etc. The market registration conditions and process for sale companies should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Management Measures for Sale Companies," while virtual power plants (including load aggregators) should initially follow the "Management Measures for Sale Companies." Article 19 Electricity trading institutions shall review the market registration applications and materials submitted by operating entities within 5 working days, and may conduct on-site verification of operating entities if necessary. Operating entities whose market registration materials do not meet the requirements should be notified once. Article 20 Operating entities such as power generation companies, electricity users, new energy storage companies, distributed power sources, and electric vehicle charging facility operators do not need to be publicly announced in principle if their market registration applications are approved, and their registration procedures take effect directly. Article 21 Electricity trading institutions will include operating entities that have successfully registered in the operating entity directory and manage dynamically, disclose information to the public according to information disclosure requirements, and file as required by the National Energy Administration's agencies and local government authorities. Article 22 Operating entities with multiple identities should be registered separately according to their category of operating entity. Article 23 In principle, the same operating entity can only establish a service relationship with one sale company or virtual power plant (including load aggregator) within the same contract period. Article 24 When national policies or changes in trading rules lead to changes in market registration information, electricity trading institutions should organize operating entities to re-register or supplement and improve registration information according to national unified principles. Chapter 4 Information Changes Article 25 When market registration information of operating entities changes, they should apply for information changes to the electricity trading institution with which they were initially registered within 5 working days. Article 26 Information changes in market registration of operating entities are processed through the process of application, commitment, review, public announcement, and effectiveness. Operating entities should submit change information and related supporting materials, and if other registration information or supporting materials have expired, they should be updated simultaneously. The conditions and process for information changes in market registration for sale companies should be carried out in accordance with the "Management Measures for Sale Companies," while virtual power plants (including load aggregators) should initially follow the "Management Measures for Sale Companies." Article 27 Information changes mainly include: (1) Changes in the identity name of the operating entity, replacement of the legal representative (or person in charge); (2) Company shareholders, equity structure.Significant changes, such as changes in the controlling shareholder or actual controller of the company, caused by the transfer of company equity.() Changes and extensions of electricity business licenses; () Transfer of generating units by generating companies, shutdown and decommissioning of generating units, adjustments to dispatch relationships of generating units, conversion of self-owned public utility nature of generating units, entry and exit of generating units into and out of commercial operation, capacity adjustments of generating units, and other key technical parameter changes affecting trading organizations; () Transfer of primary energy storage projects (units) of new energy storage companies, capacity adjustments of energy storage units, and other key technical parameter changes affecting trading organizations; () Changes in total assets of electricity sales companies and virtual power plants (including load aggregators) affecting the annual volume of electricity traded or the capacity to regulate, changes in professional personnel holding senior or intermediate titles in enterprises, changes in distribution network operation qualifications, and changes in business scope. Article 28 Electricity trading institutions shall review the change application and materials submitted by the operating entity within 5 working days. If the change materials do not meet the requirements, a one-time notification should be issued. Article 29 Generating enterprises, electricity users, new energy storage companies, distributed power sources, and operators of electric vehicle charging facilities with approved changes in market registration information do not need to be publicly disclosed in principle. The changes in information shall take effect directly. Article 30 If changes in market registration information of operating entities cause adverse effects or economic losses and are not changed within the prescribed period, the operating entity shall bear corresponding responsibilities. Article 31 Operating entities can actively participate in market transactions during the period of changes in market registration information. Chapter V Market Deregistration Article 32 The exit of operating entities from the electricity market trading can be applied for or automatically processed. The conditions and procedures for market deregistration of electricity sales companies shall be implemented in accordance with the "Electricity Sales Company Management Measures", and virtual power plants (including load aggregators) shall be governed initially in reference to the "Electricity Sales Company Management Measures". Article 33 Operating entities can apply for deregistration if they have one of the following legitimate reasons: (1) The operating entity declares bankruptcy, or, although not bankrupt, is shut down or voluntarily dismantled by the local government department in charge, and no longer generates or uses electricity; (2) Major adjustments in national policies or electricity market rules lead to situations where the original operating entity cannot continue to participate in the market for reasons beyond its control; (3) Adjustment of the power grid leads to physical properties of the operating entity's generation and usage of electricity that do not meet the entry requirements for the electricity market in the region; (4) All units of the operating entity are shutdown and decommissioned; (5) All electricity of the operating entity is no longer of industrial and commercial nature. Article 34 Operating entities applying for deregistration should have legitimate reasons and submit a market deregistration application to the electricity trading institution where they were initially registered. Article 35 The deregistration of operating entities shall be processed in a process including application, declaration, examination, publicity, and effectiveness. The operating entities shall submit deregistration applications, declarations of completion of contract processing, and relevant supporting materials. Article 36 Electricity trading institutions shall review the deregistration application and materials submitted by operating entities within 5 working days. If the deregistration materials do not meet the requirements, a one-time notification should be issued. Article 37 Electricity trading institutions shall conduct annual verification of operating entities to ensure continued compliance with registration conditions. If an operating entity fails to meet the conditions for continued participation in the electricity market trading or its business license is deregistered or revoked and it has not applied for market deregistration, automatic deregistration shall be carried out, and the matter shall be reported to the dispatching agency of the National Energy Administration and the local government department in charge. Continuous compliance verification for electricity sales companies shall be carried out in accordance with the "Electricity Sales Company Management Measures", with virtual power plants (including load aggregators) being initially subject to the "Electricity Sales Company Management Measures". Article 38 Automatic deregistration of operating entities shall be initiated by electricity trading institutions and processed in a process including publicity and effectiveness. The conditions and procedures for exiting the electricity market trading of electricity sales companies shall be implemented in accordance with the "Electricity Sales Company Management Measures", with virtual power plants (including load aggregators) being initially subject to the "Electricity Sales Company Management Measures". Article 39 For operating entities that are about to be deregistered, all signed but unfulfilled market trading contracts should, in principle, be settled within 10 working days before the next contract performance month through voluntary negotiation or other means. Losses resulting from market trading contracts shall be borne by the exiting operating entity or resolved through legal procedures. Article 40 Electricity trading institutions shall publicly announce the deregistration information of operating entities to the public through the electricity trading platform for a period of 10 working days. If there are no objections after the public notice period, the deregistration shall be carried out on the electricity trading platform, and the historical information shall be kept for 5 years. Article 41 Operating entities that have been deregistered from the market and wish to re-enter electricity market trading must reapply for market registration with the electricity trading institution. Chapter VI Handling Objections Article 42 Any unit or individual with objections to the market registration of an operating entity can submit their objections through a feedback channel to the electricity trading institution in a real-name manner, providing information such as the nature of the objection and valid contact information. The objection feedback should be supported by relevant evidence and not involve fabrication of facts or false evidence. Article 43 For operating entities that receive objections during the public notice period, electricity trading institutions should categorize and handle them based on the investigation results. (1) If there are objections due to omissions or changes in personnel in the public notice materials, the operating entity can supplement the materials and apply for re-publication; (2) If objections arise due to material falsification, and the operating entity fails to provide a reasonable explanation within 5 working days after receiving the notification from the electricity trading institution, the institution shall terminate the public notice of its market registration business and report the situation to the dispatching agency of the National Energy Administration and the local government department in charge. (3) If objections arise concerning market deregistration, the operating entity can explain the situation to the electricity trading institution, which will either reject or revoke the public notice based on the investigation results. Article 44 For operating entities that still face objections after the public notice has taken effect, electricity trading institutions shall continue the investigation. For operating entities that do not meet the requirements for electricity market registration after the investigation, the previous requirements shall apply. Article 45 Electricity trading institutions should keep the identity information of the parties providing real-name feedback confidential and not disclose it to the public. They should also promptly respond with the investigation and handling results. Chapter VII Supervision and Management Article 46 The dispatching agency of the National Energy Administration and the local governmentThe supervisory department supervises and manages the registration work of the electricity market conducted by operating entities and electricity trading institutions according to their respective responsibilities.Article 47: If the operating entity fails to handle the business in a timely manner according to this rule, the power trading institution shall take measures such as reminders, announcements, etc. and report to the local government authorities and the dispatched agencies of the National Energy Administration. Article 48: For cases where the operating entity fails to complete the power market registration procedures as required, or provides false registration information, the National Energy Administration and its dispatched agencies may handle it in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 31 of the Electricity Regulation, Article 36 of the Electricity Market Supervision Measures. For cases where the power trading institution fails to complete the power market registration as required, the National Energy Administration and its dispatched agencies may handle it in accordance with Article 33 of the Electricity Regulation, Article 38 of the Electricity Market Supervision Measures. For other violations during the registration process of power companies, the local government authorities may handle it in accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles 28, 29, 42, and 43 of the Regulations on Power Companies Management. Article 49: If the operating entity engages in illegal or dishonest behavior during the registration process, it will be included in the credit evaluation of power trading. The dispatched agencies of the National Energy Administration and the local government authorities may take measures to include them in the dishonest management in accordance with the law and regulations. Chapter VIII: Supplementary Provisions Article 50: These rules shall be interpreted by the National Energy Administration. Article 51: These rules shall come into effect from the date of publication and shall be valid for five years. Officials from the National Energy Administration Respond to Questions Regarding the Basic Rules for Power Market Registration The National Energy Administration recently issued the "Basic Rules for Power Market Registration" (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules"). Officials from the National Energy Administration responded to questions from reporters in an interview. Question: What is the background and purpose of issuing the "Rules"? With the continuous deepening of the reform of China's power system, a large number of operating entities have entered the market, resulting in a diverse range of entities and orderly competition in the power trading market. The number of registered operating entities nationwide has increased from 42,000 in 2016 to the current 743,000. New types of energy storage, electric vehicle charging facilities, distributed power sources, virtual power plants, and smart microgrids have entered the market. At the same time, in the actual work of various regions, there are problems such as unclear admission standards, setting admission thresholds, non-uniform registration processes, and multiple registrations of operating entities, which have an impact on the participation of operating entities in market transactions. In order to implement the important decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on building a unified national large market, improve the market access system, we have organized the compilation of the "Rules" to further improve the national unified power market registration system, standardize the market registration process, establish a "national list" management mode, achieve a "one-stop" registration service for registration business, promote "local registration, information sharing", accelerate the construction of a unified national power market, and promote the development of new quality productive forces. Question: What are the main contents of the "Rules"? The "Rules" consist of 8 chapters and 51 articles, focusing on the registration basic conditions, registration application, information changes, market cancellation, objection handling, and supervision management. The main contents include: Firstly, promote the national unified standardization of market registration services. Emphasizing at the national level the implementation of the "national list" management mode, strictly prohibiting various regions and departments from formulating negative lists with market access characteristics; proposing the process, examination standards, acceptance period, and publicity requirements for the market registration business of operating entities to be publicly transparent and unified and standardized. Secondly, promote "local registration, information sharing". All types of operating entities can independently choose power trading institutions to handle market registration business, requiring power trading platforms at all levels to achieve interconnection and promote the "one-stop" processing of national unified power market registration business. The three-party management systems of power trading institutions, power dispatching institutions, and power grid enterprises marketing should achieve information exchange functionality to enhance the convenience of operating entity market registration services. Thirdly, serve the rapid development and market entry demands of new types of operating entities. In accordance with the requirements of the "Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Improving the Market Access System", fully consider market development needs, and in principle of simplicity and optimization, clarify the basic conditions for eight types of operating entities to enter the power market, including power generation enterprises, power supply enterprises, power users, new types of energy storage, virtual power plants, smart microgrids, distributed power sources, electric vehicle charging facilities, etc., to better serve various types of new operating entities entering the market and promote the development of new quality productive forces. Fourthly, clarify the full process standards of market registration services. Improve the full process standards and requirements for the registration, information change, and cancellation of various operating entities. Specify the time for business review to further enhance the efficiency of registration services. Clarify that operating entities can participate in market transactions normally during the registration change period, safeguarding the rights of operating entities. Fifthly, clarify the responsibilities of supervision and management of market registration services. It clarifies that power market registration work is uniformly implemented by power trading institutions, and the dispatched agencies of the National Energy Administration and relevant departments of local governments are responsible for supervising power trading institutions and operating entities. It specifies the norms for the public notice period during the market registration of operating entities, the handling of objections after the public notice, and the treatment of objections to market cancellation. Question: How will various regions effectively implement the "Rules" in the next steps? This year, we revised the "Basic Rules for Power Market Operation", forming the "1" in the national unified power market "1+N" basic rules system. The "Rules" issued this time is another nationally implemented basic rule after the "Basic Rules for Long-term Power Trading", the "Trial Basic Rules for Spot Power Market", and the "Basic Rules for Power Market Information Disclosure". After the formal issuance of the "Rules", the National Energy Administration will further promote and guide power trading institutions in providing registration services for various market operating entities. This article is compiled from the National Energy Administration, GMTEight Editor: Li Fu.
