EMPEROR INT'L (00163) received a total of 113 valid applications and accepted a total of 1.88 billion shares of new shares for subscription.

GMT Eight
EMPEROR INT'L (00163) announces that it received a total of 113 valid applications for its share offering by the deadline of 4:00 pm on Friday, September 13, 2024. This includes 79 valid acceptances for the provisional allotment under the provisional allotment notification, involving 1.624 billion shares for subscription, approximately 88.30% of the total shares available for subscription under the share offering; and 34 valid applications for additional shares under the additional application form, involving 256 million additional shares for subscription, approximately 13.93% of the total shares available for subscription under the share offering. Overall, the total of 1.8 billion shares for subscription under the provisional allotment notification and the additional application form represents approximately 102.23% of the total shares available for subscription (1.839 billion shares). As a result, the share offering was oversubscribed by 41.057 million shares, approximately 2.23% of the total shares available for subscription under the share offering. Based on the number of shares available for subscription under the provisional allotment notification, 215 million shares can be subscribed for under the additional application form, while a total of 256 million additional shares have been applied for under the additional application form. The total amount raised from the share offering is approximately HK$460 million, and after deducting all expenses related to the share offering, the net proceeds from the share offering are approximately HK$456 million.

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