AM GROUP (01849): Possible delay in publishing the full-year performance for 2024.

GMT Eight
AM GROUP (01849) announced that the annual results for the year ended June 30, 2024 (2024 annual results) may be delayed for publication. This is due to the company still collecting and organizing necessary information and documents requested by the company's auditors from its subsidiaries to complete the audit process, thus requiring additional time to prepare the 2024 annual results. The company is currently working closely with its subsidiaries and auditors to provide all necessary information and documents to expedite the audit process. However, the expected publication date for the 2024 annual results will need to be discussed and determined further with the auditors, and will be announced at an appropriate time. Due to the above circumstances, it is anticipated that the company will not be able to publish the 2024 annual results by September 30, 2024, as required by listing rules.
