HKEX: Unstoppable from today.

GMT Eight
From today on, HKEX has officially implemented arrangements for normal trading in inclement weather conditions. The Hong Kong market is fully prepared to end the tradition of closing the market during severe typhoons and black rainstorms. In other words, the market will not be closed even in the event of a typhoon, and the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will also operate normally. Many mainland Chinese netizens find it puzzling that HKEX used to close the market or suspend trading in the event of extreme weather conditions such as typhoons and heavy rain. The main reason behind this is related to Hong Kong's response mechanism to inclement weather. Hong Kong is a region prone to typhoons and heavy rain, so it has developed a set of mechanisms to deal with inclement weather early on. Generally, during inclement weather, the government advises citizens to stay indoors as much as possible, employers have more flexible work arrangements, and won't require employees to go to the office. Hong Kong is affected by inclement weather several times a year, with varying degrees of severity, but in the most severe cases (such as when a typhoon signal number 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning is in effect), government services are suspended, most public transportation is stopped, schools are closed, offices and shops shut down, and financial markets close. HKEX's previous market closure arrangements were mainly to ensure the safety of employees, market participants, and investors. However, with the development of financial technology and the increasing demand for continuous trading in the market, many exchanges around the world can maintain operations under inclement weather conditions while ensuring the safety of personnel. In order to maintain international competitiveness, the Hong Kong financial market also needs to keep pace with international practices. Therefore, HKEX has promoted this reform. In 2023, with the support of the Hong Kong SAR Government, HKEX, the Securities and Futures Commission, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority established a dedicated task force to maintain trading in inclement weather conditions. After market consultations and industry discussions, a consensus was finally reached on "trading not stopping in the face of a storm". Now, after a series of preparations and system testing, the Hong Kong market is fully prepared and has officially implemented arrangements for normal trading in inclement weather conditions. First and foremost, the safety of personnel is still the primary consideration. HKEX encourages market participants to work remotely as much as possible during inclement weather and provides specific advice on technical support and employee arrangements. On a technical level, HKEX has conducted a series of system upgrades in the past two years, allowing securities brokers to access the exchange's trading and settlement systems remotely, without the need for on-site operations. HKEX has also provided special support to small and medium-sized brokerages facing difficulties in system upgrades, helping them transition and upgrade their systems to prepare for the full digitalization of the Hong Kong market. The banking industry in Hong Kong is also ready to ensure normal services for securities and derivatives trading in inclement weather conditions. In conclusion, the financial industry in Hong Kong has fully prepared to maintain normal market trading in inclement weather conditions. From today on, nothing will stop the market!
