Wenfeng Great World Chain Development Corporation (601010.SH) intends to transfer 100 million shares, accounting for 5.41% of the total share capital, to its controlling shareholder Shanghai Jiahong.

GMT Eight
Wenfeng Great World Chain Development Corporation (601010.SH) announced that its controlling shareholder, Jiangsu Wenfeng Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Wenfeng Group"), intends to transfer 100 million shares of the company to Shanghai Jiahong Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Jiahong TENFU1 Private Equity Securities Investment Fund (referred to as "Shanghai Jiahong"), representing 5.41% of the total share capital of the company, through an agreement transfer. After negotiation between both parties, the price of this share transfer is set at 90% of 1.71 yuan, that is, 1.54 yuan per share, with a total transfer price of 154 million yuan.

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