Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Bureau: Actively promoting the preliminary work for the development of low-altitude economy.

GMT Eight
On September 23, the Secretary for Transport and Logistics of Hong Kong, Frank Lin, stated in his speech that the Hong Kong government is currently working intensively on the preliminary work for the development of low-altitude economy at different levels, including promoting pilot projects for low-altitude economy. Referring to the experience in mainland China, major cities in the Greater Bay Area have mainly focused on creating low-altitude economic development zones and initiating flight tests. Hong Kong will also progressively implement pilot projects for low-altitude economy, gradually expanding and enriching the application scenarios of advanced air transport systems. In this regard, the Transport and Logistics Bureau and the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong will actively review feasible pilot projects for low-altitude economy. He mentioned that in recent years, mainland China has actively promoted the development of low-altitude economy, with many cities in the Greater Bay Area successively releasing documents to formulate strategies and plans for the development of low-altitude economy. As one of the central cities in the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong will fully cooperate with the national development strategy to promote the development of low-altitude economy. However, due to Hong Kong's unique geographical environment and dense population, promoting low-altitude economy is a complex and systematic project that requires cooperation from various sectors. Therefore, the Transport and Logistics Bureau of Hong Kong is closely collaborating with relevant policy bureaus and departments to facilitate and remove barriers in different policy areas to promote low-altitude flight activities. At the same time, in order to enhance technological cooperation with mainland China and promote the coordinated development of the Greater Bay Area economy, Hong Kong is actively engaging with mainland Chinese departments, including the Civil Aviation Administration of South Central China, as well as operators to conduct on-site inspections and understand the latest developments in the management of unmanned aircraft systems and the low-altitude economy in mainland China.

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