Hong Kong dollar short-term interbank rates collectively rose, with overnight interbank rates hitting a three-week high.

GMT Eight
On September 23, the interest rates for Hong Kong dollar interbank rates with a maturity of three months or less collectively rose. The overnight rate rose nearly 29 basis points to 3.7806%, reaching a three-week high. The one-month interbank rate related to mortgages also rose for two consecutive days, reaching 3.73935%, the highest level in over a week since September 12. The one-week interbank rate rose by 35 basis points to 3.83941%. The three-month interbank rate, which reflects the cost of bank funds, ended a six-day decline and rose to 3.89113%. In terms of longer-term rates, the six-month interbank rate further dropped to 3.89827%, while the one-year interbank rate remained at 3.93304%.

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