"Hundred billion, both fragrant, mission must be achieved!" Langjiu's autumn wine opening ceremony solidifies the expression of quality, once again firming up market confidence.

GMT Eight
The original intention firmly adhered to, quality inherited, following the natural timing, the autumn brewing began. On September 21, the "Following the natural timing and opening the autumn brewing cellar - 2024 Langjiu Autumn Brewing Cellar Ceremony" was successfully held in the Langjiu Luzhou Nongjiu-Jianxiang production area, kicking off a new year of brewing events. For generations, the Langjiu people have revered nature, upheld integrity and virtue, advocated for science, and inherited the traditional craftsmanship of Nongjiu-Jianxiang with craftsmanship, resulting in the accumulation of quality and fragrance over the years. The delayed autumn brewing cellar ceremony due to extreme high temperatures for the second time was a concrete manifestation of the Langjiu people's craftsmanship in adhering to the natural timing. At the event, Wang Bowei, the General Manager of Langjiu Corporation, reflected, "The liquor industry is about the value of time. Langjiu has always firmly believed in being a friend of time, sticking to long-termism, and doing certain things in uncertainty: "Following the unique path of Langjiu's fragrance, forming a strategic layout of high-end fragrance, leading fragrance, and dual excellence in two fragrances; upholding, striving, becoming a leader in fragrance." It is the ultimate quality, value, and taste that support Langjiu on the path of leading fragrance, demonstrating a solid foundation of value. "Concentration and fragrance co-excellence" regional advantages vs. frequent scientific research breakthroughs: Langjiu creating a model of fragrance excellence together with the auspicious timing and favorable conditions "When the auspicious time arrives, open the cellar! As the cellar is opened, the cellar mud is awakened, fine wine is produced in the cellar; open again, time takes its course, cellaring fine wine for a long time..." At the event, guests from all walks of life entered the Langjiu Luzhou Nongjiu-Jianxiang production area, picked up the cellar opening tools, and opened the first batch of cellars for autumn brewing. It is worth mentioning that this was the Langjiu fragrance history's most inviting opening ceremony guests ever. Upholding the original intention of "guests are respected," guests were invited to experience the traditional craftsmanship of Langjiu's brewing at the right time, delve into the quality heritage of the fragrance pioneer, and taste the fragrance excellence created collaboratively by the auspicious timing and favorable conditions. It is reported that as early as the 1970s, Langjiu pioneered the "one-step method" brewing technique, producing a unique and flavorful wine that merged the elegance of soy fragrance with the richness of strong fragrance, later recognized by national authorities as a fragrance-type liquor. Thus began the development of fragrance-type liquor, with Langjiu being a major drafter of the national standard for fragrance-type liquor. Behind this, natural resources gave Langjiu two irreplaceable geographical advantages: the fragrance-type was previously called Luzhou fragrance type, and Luzhou is the "fragrance ancestral land" of Chinese liquor. Langjiu is located in Luzhou, specifically in the ancient Lin County, Erlang Town, on the banks of the Chishui River, in the golden area of soy fragrance liquor production, combining the strengths of strong fragrance and soy fragrance. Nature's love for Langjiu prompted the Langjiu people not to disappoint this love, continuously researching and perfecting the technique of combining two fragrances. In 2014, Langjiu independently developed the "two-step method" brewing technology for fragrance excellence, obtaining national invention patents and winning the Sichuan Province Patent Technology First Prize in 2017, continuously promoting the high-quality development of fragrance excellence industry. Currently, Langjiu's scientific research front is reporting frequent breakthroughs, empowering fragrance excellence with "technological strength." Shen Yi, Deputy General Manager and Executive Deputy Chief Engineer of Langjiu Corporation, introduced that Langjiu fragrance excellence adheres to the research concept of "one meter wide and a kilometer deep," focusing on multi-point system innovations in raw materials, daqu, and other aspects to overcome technological barriers and ultimately won the 2023 "Sichuan Province Science and Technology First Prize", the only white liquor enterprise in the province to win the award. Not only that, as a leader in fragrance excellence, Langjiu fragrance excellence currently leads in production capacity, wine storage, and level of intelligence. With strong capabilities, it aims for a market value of billions. Leading in multiple aspects of production and storage, with a strong organizational force: Strong Langjiu fragrance excellence aims for a billion-dollar market! At the event, as Wang Bowei introduced, in terms of production capacity, backed by the golden soy fragrance area on the left bank of the Chishui River, Langjiu's Erlang soy fragrance production area currently has an annual production capacity of 70,000 tons of high-quality soy wine, with a wine storage volume of 220,000 tons. It will strive towards the goal of storing 500,000 tons of wine in the future. Taking advantage of the core strong fragrance production area upstream of the Yangtze River, Langjiu's Luzhou Nongjiu-Jianxiang production area has a wine storage volume of 200,000 tons (high-quality wine) already. When fully completed, the annual production of raw wine will reach 150,000-200,000 tons, with a wine storage volume of 500,000 tons. In the era of new production capabilities, Langjiu is also riding the wave, empowering quality with digital intelligence. In December last year, Langjiu's fragrance excellence intelligent three-dimensional warehouse was completed and put into use, the only intelligent three-dimensional warehouse in fragrance-type liquor. Focusing on the golden fragrance excellence track, from strategic planning to brewing production, from top-level design to frontline markets, the Langjiu people have long been waiting for action, with a solid foundation of quality, brand, and taste, forging a unique path of development for Langjiu fragrance excellence: In 2023, Langjiu released the "Concentration and fragrance excellence strategy," aiming to achieve a 10 billion RMB annual sales volume for Langjiu's concentration and fragrance excellence within 2-3 years, becoming the market leader in concentration and fragrance excellence, and Langjiu's concentration and fragrance excellence becoming a popular product. Since then, Langjiu fragrance excellence has been making continuous efforts and running for the future. At the event, Yi Mingliang, Deputy General Manager of Langjiu Sales Company, shared the sales story of "Fulfilling the mission of achieving a billion in fragrance excellence": "Today, the Langjiu fragrance excellence department has been established for 136 days, with a team of over 11,000 people, and has achieved a strong integration of more than 1,200 merchants and over 2 million terminal customers." Mingliang introduced that in product optimization, Langjiu fragrance excellence continues to focus on strategic development of large single products, occupying four out of Langjiu's seven strategic products in fragrance excellence; in the market, Langjiu fragrance excellence's nationalization process is accelerating, with partners spread across the country and rapidly extending to towns, villages, and streets. Currently, coverage has been achieved in over 95% of prefectural-level cities, with over 2 million terminal touchpoints, the national market tier development showing multi-point linkage and comprehensive blossoming momentum. This is all thanks to the advanced organization of Langjiu fragrance excellence's "deployment of forces" - "top leader's project," "organization drive," "focus on alliance businesses," and "steady policies," allowing Langjiu fragrance excellence to achieve rapid development in any market. The strong accumulation of quality and craftsmanship, combined with the powerful organizational strength, is translating into a robust market radiation force. Currently, Xiao Langjiu has become the number one brand of small bottled liquor in the country, Shunpin Lang is becoming the flagship brand of full-bottle fragrance liquor, and Langpai Tequ T8 and Langpai Black Horse Special are becoming increasingly popular choices for consumers. Leading in multiple aspects of production and storage, with a strong organizational force: Strong Langjiu fragrance excellence aims for a billion-dollar market!At the base, Langjiu's fragrance is irresistible. As Wang Bowen said, with the endorsement of the Lang brand worth billions, Longma Winery empowerment, at present, Langjiu is full of confidence, courageously moving forward, using the spirit of Longma wolves to win battles."Langjiu will definitely take a unique path of combining fragrance. The goal of a hundred billion for Langjiu's fragrant blend will definitely be achieved. Langjiu's fragrant and strong-flavored white wine will definitely become a leader in fragrant blend. Langjiu's fragrant blend will definitely make a greater contribution to local economic development."

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