Hong Kong Concept Tracking | Huawei's pure Hongmeng will officially launch by the end of September, the trend of localization of operating systems is inevitable (with concept stocks).

GMT Eight
Chen Xinxin, General Manager of Huawei's HarmonyOS industry solution, revealed that Huawei's "pure-blood" HarmonyOS NEXT, which is completely independently developed, native secure, and natively intelligent, will be officially released by the end of September this year. From September 19th to 21st, Huawei will hold the full-connectivity conference, which will include meetings related to HarmonyOS, to build and share the HarmonyOS Shanghai New World. On September 21st, at Huawei's Full-Connectivity Conference 2024, Huawei's Terminal Cloud President Zhu Yonggang announced that there are already over 10,000 applications and essential services available on the HarmonyOS NEXT application market, meeting 99.9% of consumers' usage time, marking the comprehensive maturity and accelerated development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem. HarmonyOS adheres to the eco-conscious concept of benefiting others, investing 6 billion annually to incentivize developer innovation. The number of registered developers in the Huawei Developer Alliance has rapidly increased to 6.75 million, greatly promoting the prosperity of the HarmonyOS ecosystem. Research institutions believe that the "pure-blood HarmonyOS" and related ecosystem continue to enrich, and HarmonyOS is expected to make PCs the next "main battlefield," leading the acceleration of the entire domestic ecosystem. Meanwhile, foreign security incidents highlight the importance of terminal and core foundational software security. HarmonyOS, as the foundational software base of domestic terminal devices, is expected to play a more critical role. Related domestic software companies: Zhong Ruan International (00354): As a leader in IT services in China, Zhong Ruan International actively lays out AI-related businesses in the current rapid development of artificial intelligence. The company has launched various AI-related products and applications such as computing power scheduling platform, model factory, Ascend Cloud + Hybrid Cloud Integrated Machine, WenShu Big Model, etc., and has already taken an important leading position in the industry development. With the accelerated development of the HarmonyOS industry, Zhong Ruan International already has a good layout in areas such as AIGC+ Intelligent Cloud + ERP, and diverse emerging businesses are expected to drive the company's medium and long-term business development; the company has continued to buy back shares from 23-24, accumulating nearly 260 million shares for cancellation over two years, demonstrating a firm confidence in long-term development.

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