HK Stock Market Move | China Aoyuan (03883) opened more than 14% higher, introducing Middle Eastern institution Multi Gold as a strategic investor.

GMT Eight
CHINA AOYUAN (03883) opened more than 14% higher, rising 14.29% to HKD 0.136 at the time of writing, with a turnover of HKD 34,300. On the news front, CHINA AOYUAN announced the introduction of strategic investors. The announcement stated that major shareholder Ace Rise has agreed to transfer about 620 million shares of the company's common stock to Multi Gold. After the completion of the transfer, Ace Rise and Multi Gold will respectively own approximately 502 million shares and about 620 million shares of the company, accounting for approximately 13.31% and 16.48% of the total issued share capital of CHINA AOYUAN as of the announcement date. CHINA AOYUAN's founder, Guo Ziwen, holds approximately 618 million shares of the company, representing around 16.38% of CHINA AOYUAN's total issued share capital. Multi Gold will become the single largest shareholder of the company. It is reported that Multi Gold Group is a professional investment institution from the United Arab Emirates, with influential local family members participating in its management structure. CHINA AOYUAN's announcement stated that with the strategic entry of Multi Gold, it will strengthen and improve the management team of the group, ensure the stability of its management team, and provide comprehensive support for CHINA AOYUAN's future strategic development and daily operations.
