Longyan Kaolin Clay (605086.SH) controlling shareholder and major shareholder Wenlv Huijin plans to transfer 18.39% of the shares to introduce strategic investor Zijin Mining Group.

GMT Eight
Longyan Kaolin Clay (605086.SH) announced that in order to introduce strategic investors who recognize the intrinsic value of the company and are optimistic about future development, optimize the equity structure, and promote the strategic development of the listed company, the controlling shareholder Longyan Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Investment Group") and the shareholder holding more than 5% of the shares, Longyan Cultural Tourism Huijin Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Cultural Tourism Huijin"), intend to transfer part of the company's shares to the strategic investor Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zijin Mining Group") through an agreement before the initial public offering of shares. The total number of shares held by Zijin Mining Group is 32.9589 million shares, with a transfer price of 14.93 yuan/share, accounting for 18.39% of the total share capital of the company. Among them, Investment Group will transfer 12.7989 million shares, accounting for 7.14% of the total share capital of the company, and Cultural Tourism Huijin will transfer 20.16 million shares, accounting for 11.25% of the total share capital of the company. The transferee under the agreement is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zijin Mining Group, Zijin Mining Group Southern Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zijin Nan Investment"). In addition, according to the agreement of the four parties, Minxi Xinghang State-owned Assets Investment and Operation Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Xinghang Guotou," which is the controlling shareholder of Zijin Mining Group and the concerted action person of Zijin Nan Investment) intends to transfer its 2.8811 million shares of the company (accounting for 1.61% of the total share capital of the company) to Zijin Nan Investment at a transfer price of 14.93 yuan/share. After the above-mentioned transactions are completed, Zijin Nan Investment will become a shareholder holding more than 5% of the company, holding a total of 35.84 million shares of the company, accounting for 20.00% of the total share capital of the company. Zijin Nan Investment promises not to reduce its holdings of the company's shares within six months after the completion of the share transfer, and will comply with laws, regulations, and relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

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