Harris accepts CNN's invitation to participate in the second debate and calls on Trump to "fight again".

GMT Eight
Local time Saturday, the campaign team of US Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris stated that she has accepted an invitation from CNN to participate in the second televised debate on October 23. In addition, Harris also called for Trump to "battle again face to face". Harris's campaign manager Jen O' Malley Dillon said in a statement: "There should be no reason for Trump not to participate in this debate. The format and set-up of this debate are the same as the one he participated in June and claimed victory, where he praised CNN's moderators, rules, and ratings." Later, Harris posted on social media, saying, "I am happy to accept the invitation to the second presidential debate on October 23, and I hope Trump can join in." In the June debate with Trump, the performance of US President Biden was considered a "disaster," leading to him being abandoned by the Democratic Party, which allowed Harris to step onto the stage of the election. In early September, Trump and Harris had their first debate on ABC News, with the US media generally agreeing that Harris came out on top. However, Trump refused to accept this viewpoint, believing he won the debate. Trump then posted on Truth Social, saying that he had already won and would not debate with the "failed" Harris again. He also stated, "When a professional boxer loses a match, the first thing he usually says is: I demand a rematch. Polls clearly show that I won the debate against Harris, and she immediately requested a second debate." However, last week, Trump's stance changed again, saying, "if he's in a good mood," he might agree to another debate. The arrangements and platforms for the debate were almost as controversial as the election campaign itself. Harris and Trump's campaign teams clashed repeatedly on the location of the debate, which TV station to air on, who would host, and the format of the debate (such as the use of muted or unmuted microphones, or the presence of an audience). It is worth noting that in the first debate, ABC News did indeed show bias, with Trump being interrupted and fact-checked repeatedly by the ABC hosts throughout the debate. Trump complained that the debate was "completely manipulated" and believed ABC was "the most dishonest news organization." Trump had previously invited Harris to participate in a debate hosted by Fox News, but Harris did not accept. Fox News has long been known as a mouthpiece for the Republican Party. A few hours after Harris accepted CNN's invitation on Saturday, Trump gave a clear answer at a campaign rally in North Carolina, sticking to his previous stance of not debating Harris again. He said, "The problem with another debate is that everything is too late. Voting has already begun." Trump claimed that Harris wants to debate again because she lost last time. Polls show that the support rates of the two presidential candidates are almost equal. This article is sourced from Caijing.com, author: Niu Zhanlin; GMTEight editor: Wen Wen.

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