Alliance Consulting: Demand for TV and monitor panels continues to weaken, panel manufacturers struggle to reduce production to reverse the downward price trend in September.

GMT Eight
On September 20, TrendForce released the panel prices for late September: in late September 2024, prices for TV and monitor panels of various sizes decreased, while prices for laptop panels remained stable. Deputy Research Director of TrendForce, Fan Boyu, stated: Television Looking at the third quarter, TV panel demand continued to weaken, with purchases from major brand customers possibly decreasing by 4-5% per quarter, and attempting to negotiate more favorable prices from panel manufacturers through order adjustments. Although panel manufacturers have exercised some restraint in capacity adjustments and production plans, it is still difficult to change the downward trend in prices in September. The recent subsidy policy in China for energy-efficient home appliances could slightly stimulate demand for large-size panels in the short term, potentially leading to a slight convergence in the downward trend of prices for large-size panels. Currently, the reduction plan spanning the two-week long National Day holiday can only be expected to take effect starting in October, gradually stabilizing the prices of full-size panels. Looking at the prices of TV panels in September, it is anticipated that 32-inch and 43-inch panels will decrease by $1, 50-inch panels by $4, 55-inch panels by $3, and there is hope for a convergence in the price drop of large-size panels of 65 inches and 75 inches, with an expected decrease of $2. Monitor Entering the third quarter, inventory levels of MNT panels in the hands of brand customers have reached saturation point, resulting in a noticeable weakening of demand for MNT panels. Given the weak demand for TV panels, some MNT brand customers have also expressed expectations for moderate price adjustments to MNT panels to panel manufacturers. At present, although some panel manufacturers are still striving to maintain price stability, the pricing of Open Cell panels for some customers has already faltered, leading to anticipated downward pressure on panel module prices. Currently, it is estimated that in September, the prices of MNT panels, including 23.8-inch and 27-inch Open Cell panels, are expected to decrease by 0.2-0.3 US dollars. As for panel module prices, 23.8-inch and 27-inch FHD panels are expected to decrease by 0.1 US dollars. Laptop In the third quarter, with some brands actively shipping products, there is an opportunity for a 10.5% increase in overall notebook shipments for NB brands. Meanwhile, NB panel shipments are expected to increase by 6.5% in the third quarter after experiencing a peak in the second quarter, indicating that in addition to sustained brand procurement momentum, panel manufacturers are also actively expanding their shipping volumes. TrendForce pointed out that with both buyers and sellers maintaining a stable rhythm of procurement and shipping, the panel prices are expected to remain relatively stable. Currently, it is estimated that the prices of NB panels in September will remain stable overall.
