The Sino-US Economic Working Group held its fifth meeting.

GMT Eight
From September 19 to 20, the China-US Economic Working Group held its fifth meeting in Beijing. Minister of Finance, Liao Min, had a brief chat and took a group photo with the US delegation. The meeting was co-chaired by Deputy Minister of Finance, Liao Min, and US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Shang Bo. Representatives from relevant departments in the economic field from both countries attended the meeting for exchanges. In accordance with the consensus reached at the San Francisco and Guangzhou meetings, both sides had candid, practical, and constructive discussions on topics such as the macroeconomic situation and policies of both countries, addressing global challenges, and mutual concerns. China expressed serious concerns regarding US tariffs on China, investment restrictions on China, sanctions related to Russia, and actions that affect the interests of Chinese companies. Both sides agreed to continue communication. (CCTV reporter Tian Qiyong) This article is adapted from CCTV News, edited by GMTEight editor mz.
