RIZHAO PORT JR(06117) entrusts Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. Group to provide architectural management services for Warehouse No. 8 project.

GMT Eight
RIZHAO PORT JR (06117) announced on September 20, 2024, the company entered into a construction agency contract with the Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. group, agreeing to appoint the Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. group to provide construction management services for the Warehouse No. 8 project. The construction period of the Warehouse No. 8 project is long, with many procedural approvals and high professionalism. By signing the construction agency contract and entrusting the Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. group to implement the entire construction management process, it can strengthen the procedures of the project in terms of duration, quality, progress, safety, environmental protection, investment control, contract management, acceptance, and coordinate the construction progress of all parties to ensure that the project procedures are legal and compliant, the construction progress is smooth, and completion is on time. The terms of the construction agency contract were reached after fair negotiations between the two parties. The directors (including independent non-executive directors) believe that the terms of the construction agency contract and the transactions to be carried out under it are concluded in the company's daily and general business processes in accordance with standard commercial terms or better terms, and are fair and reasonable, and also in line with the overall interests of the company and shareholders.

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