A-share announcement selection | Kweichow Moutai (600519.SH) plans to repurchase shares worth 3-6 billion yuan for cancellation.

GMT Eight
45%Control people Zhang Xuejun, Chen Xiangjun, and Li Jun intend to transfer 49,462,000 shares of unrestricted tradable shares held by them to natural person Zhuo Haihang through an agreement, accounting for 7.00% of the total share capital. This agreement transfer will not result in a change in the control of the company, nor will it affect the company's governance structure and ongoing operations. The aforementioned agreement transfer is subject to compliance review by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and can only proceed with the approval of the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shenzhen Branch. There is still uncertainty as to whether the transfer can ultimately be completed. The company will continue to monitor the progress of the relevant matters and disclose any developments in a timely manner.9. Tianjin Troila Information Technology: The investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission is still ongoing. Tianjin Troila Information Technology issued a abnormal announcement, after the company's self-inspection and verification with the controlling shareholder and indirectly controlling shareholder, as of September 20th, there is no significant information that should have been disclosed but was not disclosed. On March 14, the company received a "Case Filing Notice" from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the company was suspected of illegal disclosure of information and was filed. As of the date of the announcement, the investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission is still ongoing, and the company has not received any conclusive opinions or decisions regarding the above-mentioned case. 10. Guangdong Rongtai Industry: The company still has restricted intangible assets, investment properties, and construction in progress with a total book balance of approximately 179 million yuan. Guangdong Rongtai Industry issued a stock trading abnormal fluctuation and risk warning announcement. The company's stock prices on September 18th, 19th, and 20th, for three consecutive trading days, had a cumulative deviation of more than 20%, which falls under abnormal stock trading fluctuation. The company's current business operations are normal, and there have been no significant changes in the business environment. In the first half of 2024, the company achieved a net loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies of -37.3597 million yuan, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses of -40.8219 million yuan. As of August 23, 2024, the company still has restricted intangible assets, investment properties, and construction in progress with a total book balance of approximately 179 million yuan. Investors are advised to pay attention to the risk of stock price fluctuations. 11. Shanghai Guijiu: The Baijiu industry is still in a destocking cycle, and the company is also affected by the industry's environment. Shanghai Guijiu issued an abnormal announcement. The company's stock trading prices had a cumulative deviation of 20% for two consecutive trading days on September 19 and 20, which falls under abnormal stock trading fluctuations. The company has disclosed that the actual controlling person has been subject to criminal enforcement measures and the controlling shareholder's shares have been judicially frozen. According to the police report, an investigation was initiated into illegal fundraising activities involving Huiyan Wealth Management Co., Ltd., and the company's actual controlling person, Mr. Han Xiao, has been subject to criminal enforcement measures. The controlling shareholder of the company, Shanghai Guijiu Industrial Development Co., Ltd., and its concerted action parties collectively hold 64.8% of the company's shares, all of which have been judicially frozen. Additionally, the Baijiu industry is still in a destocking cycle, with a clear trend towards concentration on superior production regions, companies, and brands. This trend is especially evident with the increasing pressure on medium and small brand liquor companies, with the company also being affected by this industry environment. 12. Guanghui Energy: Plans to invest 16.48 billion yuan to build a 15 million tons/year coal quality and grade utilization demonstration project. Guanghui Energy announced that the company plans to invest in the construction of the "Yiwu Guanghui 15 million tons/year coal quality and grade utilization demonstration project" with a total investment of 16.48 billion yuan. The project will be operated by the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Xinjiang Guanghui New Material Technology Co., Ltd. It is expected that after the project is put into operation, the annual average total profit will be 2.184 billion yuan, and the after-tax internal rate of return will be 13.14%. 13. Bomin Electronics: Plans to acquire 86.8535% of Ben Chuang Electronics' equity for no more than 250 million yuan. Bomin Electronics announced that the company plans to acquire 86.8535% of Ben Chuang Electronics' equity for no more than 250 million yuan in cash. If the acquisition is completed, the company will hold 100% of Ben Chuang Electronics' equity, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company. Ben Chuang Electronics is one of the few local companies in Meizhou with full-process capabilities for HDI boards. Its geographical location is close to the company, and it is one of the strongest companies in Meizhou in terms of HDI technology, production capacity, and overall strength. The company has good expectations for future synergistic development in terms of business, customers, production capacity, etc., and can effectively offset the company's structural production capacity bottleneck during the HDI peak season. 14. Darbond Technology: Plans to acquire 53% of Hengsuohuawei Semiconductor Packaging Materials Company's equity. Darbond Technology announced that the company has signed an intention agreement with the existing shareholders of Hengsuohuawei Electronics Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yongli Industrial Group Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Shuhui Industries Co., Ltd., to acquire 53% of Hengsuohuawei's equity and acquire control over Hengsuohuawei through a cash transaction. The price range for the 100% equity of Hengsuohuawei preliminarily negotiated by both parties is between 1.4 billion yuan to 1.6 billion yuan. Through preliminary negotiations, the target company is expected to achieve a net profit of no less than 53 million yuan in 2024, and a total net profit not less than 185 million yuan for the three-year pledge period from 2024 to 2026. Hengsuohuawei specializes in the research and industrialization of semiconductor and integrated circuit packaging materials, mainly producing epoxy encapsulants. It currently has 12 production lines and offers over a hundred products branded under Hysol, KL, GR, MG series. According to PRISMARK statistics, in 2023, Hengsuohuawei ranked third in sales among global epoxy encapsulant companies and fourth in terms of sales revenue. In China, Hengsuohuawei leads in both sales revenue and volume among epoxy encapsulant companies. Share Repurchase Pourin Special Welding Technology: Plans to repurchase shares worth 40-80 million yuan. Hangzhou Lion Microelectronics: Plans to repurchase shares worth 40-50 million yuan. WuHu Foresight Technology: Plans to repurchase shares worth 30-50 million yuan. Increase/Decrease in Shareholding Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology: General Manager Chen Wei intends to increase his company's shares by 7.5-15 million yuan. Shenzhen New Land Tool Planning & Architectural Design: Two shareholders plan to collectively reduce their shareholding in the company by no more than 4%. Quectel Wireless Solutions: The controlling shareholder plans to reduce their shareholding by no more than 1%. Wuxi Hyatech: Executives plan to reduce their shareholding by no more than 0.12%. Shenzhen Pacific Union Precision Manufacturing: Several shareholders, including Shenzhen Venture Capital, plan to reduce their shareholding in the company. Significant order JiangSu JiuWu Hi-Tech: Won the bid for a 196 million yuan lithium adsorption device aluminum adsorbent project. This article is reprinted from "Tencent Stock Selection", GMTEight editor: Chen Wenfang.

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