Shareholder Li Yifeng, who holds 0.8509% of Xiamen Hongxin Electronics Technology Group Inc. (300657.SZ), plans to completely divest his shares.

GMT Eight
Xiamen Hongxin Electronics Technology Group Inc. (300657.SZ) announced that Mr. Li Yifeng, a shareholder holding 0.8509% of the company's shares, plans to reduce his holdings through centralized bidding or bulk trading on the stock exchange. The reduction period will be within 3 months after 15 trading days from the date of the announcement of the reduction plan. It is expected that the total amount to be reduced will not exceed 4.156 million shares (if there are any changes in the company's share capital such as bonus shares or capital reserve capitalization during this period, the quantity should be adjusted accordingly), representing no more than 0.8509% of the company's total share capital.
