Suzhou Etron Technologies (603380.SH) plans to launch an employee stock ownership plan in 2024.

GMT Eight
Suzhou Etron Technologies (603380.SH) disclosed the 2024 employee stock ownership plan (draft), the participants are directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors, senior management, middle management, and other key employees who were employed by the company (including subsidiaries and consolidated subsidiaries) at the time the stock ownership plan was announced. The specific number of participants will be determined based on the actual contributions made by employees. The source of the stocks for this ownership plan is the company's repurchased A-shares from a special account, with a maximum of 2.2801 million shares, accounting for approximately 1.42% of the total share capital of the company as of the announcement date of the ownership plan. The transfer price for the ownership plan is 10.31 yuan/share.
